Post Retirement

The main challenge amongst people who are looking to retire or have already retired, is ensuring that there is sufficient income to do what they want to. It is also important to consider whether it is sustainable for the rest of your life, and that of your spouse, if you are married.
We also consider your wider financial affairs too:
- Is your capital invested correctly?
- Are you taking the correct amount of risk?
- Are your savings and investments held tax-efficiently?
- How will you pay for any future care needs?
Finally, estate planning. Most people in retirement want to know that their assets will be left to people of their choosing, when they die, with as little tax paid as possible.
How we can help
We will start by reviewing your objectives; what do you want to do in retirement? How much will it cost? What do you want to do that you don’t feel able to?
We will then consider the income you need in retirement and the assets you have to provide it. That then leads to a financial plan, designed to meet these objectives in both the short, medium and long term making sure that you draw the income in the most efficient manner.
Finally, we will consider the future and ultimately, what happens to your assets after your death.
Pension Freedoms have changed the landscape of retirement planning and you now have far more flexibility than ever before. This can be a double-edged sword; perhaps allowing you to retire sooner than you previously thought possible, but with pitfalls and dangers to avoid.
Our job is to answer these, and more:
Income: How much will you need in retirement? You would be amazed by the number of people who don’t know the answer to this question.
Retirement options: What’s the best way to turn your pension into an income and whether other assets could provide income resulting in less tax to be paid?
Expenses: Is there any future capital expenditure you need to plan for? For example, home improvements, large holidays and such like.
Family: Do you want to financially assist your children or grandchildren? Perhaps to help with the cost of university or buying their first house.
State Pension: How much will you get and when will it be paid?
Existing savings & investments: Do you need to make any changes considering your retirement?
Early retirement: Can you stop working without compromising on your lifestyle in retirement?
Once we have these answered and have an agreed plan in place it is important to regularly review the situation. Your plans or legislation may change and it is crucial to keep an eye on the investment market to make the most of your money.
We are expert retirement planners; that means your retirement is on a sound financial footing. You can stop working, sure in the knowledge that your finances are in safe hands. You can get on and enjoy your retirement, doing the things that you have always planned to do: travel, play more golf, spend time with the family, what ever your dream is…
Get in touch
We’re here and ready to help you face your financial challenges head on.
Call us on 0845 680 8910 or email: